Take advantage of our convenient and secure online booking for the BEST RATES at Kapolei Golf Club with no booking fees. Search available tee times by clicking one of the buttons below.

Visitor Tee Times

Kapolei Golf Club has always been a visitor favorite! As such visitors are welcome to book up to 30 days in advance online at We offer round trip transportation from Waikiki hotels for non-resident customers and non-twilight play only. Please call the Golf Shop for details at (808) 447-0200.

Kama’aina Tee Times

We are always pleased to offer great Kama’aina rates for Kama’aina with valid Hawaii identification.  Kama’aina may book online tee times up to TWO WEEKS in advance! If you still prefer to make your reservations by phone, please note that the booking window remains at ONE WEEK.

Additionally, please be aware that providing credit card information is required for ALL bookings, whether online or over the phone. Your security is important to us, so if you have any concerns about sharing your credit card details over the phone, we encourage you to visit our website for alternative booking options.

All players are required to bring their own golf clubs.

Click on the booking link below to book your tee time today! 


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